Wednesday, August 20, 2008


My PAL~!!ArN!!
August 15...
Our school sport day~!! hehehe so hot the weather...but we all have fun~!!!

he always said tat his life is packed full of activity:P

wanna know him???

:P hehehehehehe his Hp no.=013*******:P


Wow holiday make me feel bored~~then we decide have a family day out the garden^^


quite fun when i saw all the insect crawling in the grass~~~hehehe

they all like in one small insect civilization~~wuu huu~~

although they are small but they all are strong hehehe~~~ jia you ah insect~!!:P

Monday, August 18, 2008


August 15...
The dAy i met You~~ tis is the first time i met you~you really make me cant forget about you~~ i couldnt delete my memory~~
all tis make me wanna meet you again~~
hope i can meet you every day.....

Monday, July 28, 2008

AnnoYing UgLy CreaTUre~

My PooR friend~ had accidentally make an annoying ugly creature fall in love with him~~ tat creature is about 150cm tall maybe shorter ah~~she is very very annoying her voice can create a strong wave tat attack ur ear drum untill it bleed~~ ThE creature injured me in the afternoon she keep on asking me thing bout my fwen OMG can u pls.......go away~~ lol the creature look like ToAD got a pair of scary eyes its face 100%like witch evil~!!!!! her body like toad isnt it strange try to imagine it :P quite scary~~~ now im looking for a new skill to protect my self~~ shiu shiu go away creature~!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


The day I knOW you~
You have bind me with ur unavoidable conquer my mind~~it just like been possessed by a very strong spirit~~
YouR existed have ruin my lIFE~


At July25.....
when im raving on my stage......before i get started..i heard some werewolf howling.....their voice engage my anger...i will like to crush them with my unique steps.....mua ha ah ahaha beware my darkness gonna engage u all werewolfs!!!

A stranGe BiO-organism

The strange Bio-organism have make u trouble so much~ why you still try to protect it~~
He dunno how to control his anger~~ keep on hurting you~why dun u protect ur self~? tat creature are gonna ruin uur whole life if u not going to abandon it!! wHen i used my emo-lysis eyes to scan you~ ur heart are full of wound~ i will try my best to protect you and i will try my best to heal you with me regeneration energy~

P.s>Emo-Lysis eye>a special ability tat help me to view a ppl feeling,emotion and anger~